Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A 2nd Shout Out

So a roommate of mine Levi, was checking out the the "Shout Outs" today in the Badger Herald and he came across yet another one related to the 444. Only this time it was directed at me. I can't decide yet if I feel honored or not. You make the decision...

Shout Out #44. Wednesday, Dec. 2, 2009 @ 1:56pm: SO to the shared itunes library called "Grinding Music." 80% of your library is Christmas songs. Can I come to your place for xmas this year??

A lot of people share their itunes libraries so others can listen. I have always shared my music and this year I wanted to have a creative title. SO I chose to name my library Grinding Music. I only share 2 artists, Bemo and Wausau West Concert Chorale. I hope everyone continues to enjoy my music and feels the same way as shout out #44 does!


Myndi said...

I need a copy of the Concert Chorale cd! We need to do a serious music exchange over Christmas. I have a boatload of albums for you and Harry.

K. Kringle said...

grinding around... the christmas tree