Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Back in the 444

School began a week ago today. The 444 is now home again. This semester is going to be different than the last, but not because of new classes. Two members of the house are studying abroad, Joe and Caleb. Soon we will be only six members strong. I am sure there will be plenty of skype sessions during their 4 months overseas.

Besides the changes at home, everything is normal. Chris wears a red, white and blue cut off daily, Cam sits in his room and renders, Levi ices his knee every 20 minutes because of his recent surgey, Kevin is big and tall, and Scott sleeps in the School of Business Library every other night.

The house welcomed in our subletters not to long ago. Two frogs. Named rightfully after Joe and caleb. The frogs sit in a 4" by 5" cup filled with water. The frogs float in water all day and get fed every Sunday and Wednesday. Their food consists of one pellet per frog, which is barely visible to the human eye. I am looking forward to feeding them tomorrow!

Keeping on the same subject, Nila, my family's new puppie is nearly 2 pounds! I smile every time I watch the video from my previous blog post. <3 Nila <3

Today marked the day of my fist attempt to make chili. I needed a recipe so I looked in my new cookbook I recived from my sis for Christmas. Although I really enjoy looking at the cookbook, there were no recipes that caught my attention. So I made the trip to Aldi and did my shopping, throwing can after can of anything that looked inviting for a batch of chili into my bag.

With minimal preperation, I went through the process of making chili. The process basically consisted of dumping evrything I just bought and putting it in the crock pot and letting the chili cook for a couple hours, stirring about every half hour.

I call this recipe Silli, a combination of soup and chili. The Silli had a taste of chili, but a concentration of soup. But the main thing is that it left an enjoyable warming sensation in my stomach. :-) The end process didn't turn out how I wanted but all the guys at the 444 loved it. Seconds for everyone! Ask if you want the details for the recipe. I made a video of the Silli...

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