Sunday, March 7, 2010

Ay Bay Bay

I was due for a long blog post, so here I go.

This past weekend I got the chance to feel like I was in high school again. Wausau West hockey was playing in the WIAA state hockey tournament and I attended one of their games on Friday. It was nice seeing old teachers and coaches. It makes me miss being a Warrior.

The weather this weekend was great, everyday was cloudless and around 40 degrees. I even stooped it for the first time this year. I can't wait for summer.

On Thursday, the house received a package. It was a styrofoam cooler filled with goods from Omaha Steaks. This gift was given to the whole house by one of our neighbor's Dad because of our courageous actions a week ago. Last week, I forget which day, at around 2 pm, a couple of us noticed cops across the street. There were like 8 of them in total. We were clueless as of what was going on, but eager to find out. After 20 minutes of staring out the window watching them, we got a hold of one of the girls that was living at the cop surrounded house. Apparently a homeless man threw a brick through their back window, climbed through it and was about to steal stuff from one of the girls rooms. But luckily a good Samaritan across the street heard the noise of the breaking glass and called the cops. The cops arrived just in time and caught the thief in action. They tackled the man inside the girls room, tazzed him and arrested him at gunpoint. I feel so safe on mifflin now.

So as any nice neighbors would do, we walked over to the house shortly after this whole incident happened to check on the girls. There is no way any homeless man would mess with a member of the 444. The girls were very traumatized, as anyone would be if this happened to them, but our presence comforted them and they were glad to see some caring neighbors. All we did was stop by the house for 5 minutes and we received this wonderful food in the mail.

I think we are going to save the gifts in the freezer for a while and wait for a special day to have the feast.

It was also a good weekend to be a Chicago Bear fan. We signed three top free agents.

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