Friday, April 16, 2010

The New Guy

So my roommate cam just got a blog. He has been posting a lot, almost to much. Every time I see his new post, I feel obligated to post too. I needed this motivation though, so thanks next door roommate.

All the popular music magazines are loving boat mix '10. Rolling Stones has it labeled as the "fresh new album of 2010" and " a must have for all boaters!"

Today Cam, Kevin, Chris and I participated in the worlds largest trivia contest. It started at 6pm and goes for 54 hours. It consists of 6 questions an hour and you have 2 full songs to find the answer. We only only played for about 2 hours, but cams dad has a real team and we were helping them out. The questions were given over the radio and I think we got only 2 correct.

My sister introduced me to an old show 'Friday Night Lights' over Easter break and now I am hooked. I just started season 2 and I need to finish both 2 and 3 before may 7th because that is the start of season 4. I recommend it to any people looking for a TV series to follow.

Tomorrow, Saturday, I am heading to my cabin to help my Dad put the boat in. It will be a relaxing weekend and I hope the fish are biting.

I leave with a song I've begun to like.
Phoenix - Rome .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine

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